Hi Shortgirls! I hope you are well and staying safe. This is week two for me of working from home and in an effort to maintain my sanity and sense of humor I have come up with a list of rules for myself while working remotely . I’ll let you know how it goes. I’ve already bent a few of them, lol!
Self-Imposed Rules for working at home

- Get up at a reasonable hour Monday through Friday. ( I normally get up at 4:45 am so I thought 6:30 was good and I wouldn’t be in anyone’s way who has to leave the house to go to work)
- Make the bed, duh, always do this
- Put on workout clothes right away-(and workout) no going downstairs in my bathrobe, getting coffee sitting on the couch and watching endless coverage of the Coronavirus on TV or checking Facebook for a minute which turns into 3 hours and I’m left scratching my head thinking how the hell did that happen.
- Shower (every day!)
- Put on makeup- now I’m not talking about going out make-up, just what I would wear to work so that I look decent while video conferencing. I made the exception with lipstick, don’t need it, it ends up all over my coffee cup anyway.
- No yoga pants, sweat pants, leggings, pajama bottoms until 3:30 PM
- I must put on a real bra- no sports bras or except for workouts or after 3:30 PM- If I get too comfortable I’ll just want to sit on the couch and veg
- Set reasonable expectations about work and breaks- It’s okay to go for a walk or watch a ½ hour of “bad TV” in the middle of the day
- Be flexible- this is a fluid situation and I need to go with the flow(rules subject to change at any time)
- Have faith and a sense of humor
Short but mighty, Shortgirls rule!